Earlier this year (2022), I stopped paying for wenshanren.org, the domain of my WordPress blog since 2012, because I hadn’t been posting much to it, and I didn’t see much value in those writings by my younger self.

(It is still accessible through https://qj0.9d9.myftpupload.com/)

This morning I suddenly had an idea of making a new blog with ox-hugo and GitHub Pages.

But I barely knew anything about these technologies (the above two and Hugo itself), so I learned all 3 at the same time and finally created my first post Testing Testing.

Now I have a better understanding, I think from a beginner’s perspective, these 3 can be seen as:

  • Hugo: a program that converts markdown files to HTML files (a static website)

  • ox-hugo: an Emacs plugin that converts org-mode files to markdown files

  • GitHub Pages: push markdown files and Hugo configurations to it, and it will generate a website

(So theoretically Hugo is not needed, I can simply write in org-mode, convert to markdown with ox-hugo, then push to GitHub Pages, but Hugo provides previewing before publishing)

I’ve summarized what I did, which might be helpful to others (and my future self).

hugo new site

install hugo

sudo apt install -y hugo

check hugo version

hugo version

I got “hugo v0.105.0+extended”

create a new site

hugo new site rws-write.cc

(rws-write.cc is the domain name for this new blog of mine)

it’s so fast~


cd rws-write.cc
git init
touch .gitignore

add the following content (adapted from here) to .gitignore:

# Generated files by hugo

# Temporary lock file while building

theme with search feature

zen theme

I’d like my Hugo site to have a search feature, just like what my WordPress site has.

But I wasn’t sure how to achieve it for a static website. The first thing that came to my mind is integrating with DuckDuckGo (DDG): I search in <keyword> site:<domain-name> format on DDG quite often and I was thinking maybe I can make my search form trigger something similar.

Searching “Hugo theme Duckduckgo search integration” brought me to zen theme at https://github.com/casahacker/website-hugo-theme-zen, which has “Search with DuckDuckGo” in its “Features” list.

But it doesn’t, its README.md even points to a different repository https://github.com/frjo/hugo-theme-zen.git for cloning, so I guess it’s not maintained. Anyway, the repository it points does have a search feature based on JavaScript: “Built in integration with the excellent FlexSearch.js”

Easy, I decided to give it a go.


Following the README, add zen theme as a submodule of rws-write.cc, then start a Hugo server with the example site shipped with it:

git submodule add --depth 1 -f https://github.com/frjo/hugo-theme-zen.git themes/zen
cd themes/zen/exampleSite
hugo server --themesDir ../..

Open http://localhost:1313/, it’s working (including the search feature), and it is fast!

first post

cd ../../../ to get back to rws-write.cc, then make some changes to create the first post (see the commit for all the changes):

  • replace ./config.toml with ./config.yaml (just following the exampleSite), then make some updates in it (read https://github.com/frjo/hugo-theme-zen#configuration to understand the parameters)
  • create ./content/search.md as the search page
  • create ./ox-hugo.org (an arbitrary filename I chose), then add some ox-hugo parameters, and the first post: testing-testing

My understanding of ox-hugo’s configurations:

  • #+hugo_base_dir: ./:because ox-hugo.org is in ./
  • #+hugo_section: ./posts: so the exported markdown file will be stored in ./content/posts/
  • :EXPORT_FILE_NAME: testing-testing: so the exported markdown file’s name will be testing-testing.md

Install ox-hugo in Emacs and press C-c C-e H A to convert org-mode to markdown.

Now start a Hugo server with hugo server -D (learned from the Quick Start section of Hugo’s official doc) and it works~

GitHub pages

Reference: https://docs.github.com/en/pages/quickstart (although I find it’s not very easy to follow)

create GitHub pages repository

  • login GitHub
  • create a new repository, with a name in the format of <username.github.io>, mine is RenWenshan.github.io, no init (I actually initialized with a GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, which caused some extra work later)
  • settings → pages → build and deployment, change source to GitHub Actions
  • click browse workflow, search hugo and click Configure on the only result
  • click Start commit to save this workflow, it will create a new commit in the repository

push local changes

In write-rws.cc:

git remote add origin git@github.com:RenWenshan/RenWenshan.github.io.git

(Because the GitHub repository I created wasn’t empty, so I had to commit my local changes first then git rebase with remote.)

Then commit changes and push.


On the repository’s GitHub page, under Environments there’s github-pages, click it to see deployment progress.

Once deployed, open https://renwenshan.github.io/, it’s working~

(optional) custom domain

  • purchase a domain, mine is rws-write.cc
  • GitHub repository settings → Pages → put www.rws-write.cc in Custom domain and it will start checking (mine didn’t work until maybe an hour later)
  • once checking succeeded, click Save

This process doesn’t create a new commit: “If you are publishing your site with a custom GitHub Actions workflow, no CNAME file is created” (see the reference).

Reference: https://docs.github.com/en/pages/configuring-a-custom-domain-for-your-github-pages-site/managing-a-custom-domain-for-your-github-pages-site


  • compared to my 5 minutes org2blog + WordPress setup, this took much longer and a lot more efforts
  • but it’s fast and there are fewer layers between me and the web pages
  • Emacs is awesome!

further updates

While writing this post, I’ve made some further changes and had some further findings:

  • switched from zen theme to PaperMode theme
  • new post needs to be inserted at the beginning of ox-hugo.org, this is to do with #+hugo_weight: auto: if the first item’s auto weight is N, the second item’s auto weight will be N+1…
  • markdown and org-mode source blocks don’t get displayed correctly, but I haven’t figured out why